A downloadable game for Windows

Ontop of the tallest Tree in Freak Forest lies the City of Freak Peak.

It's where the Nature Freaks live.

You are a Nature Freak, and you desperately need a Vacation.

But the ticket prices at the Birdport are outrageous!

Punching the money out of people seems like the correct course of action.

Unfortunately you are terribly out of shape and Freak Peak is a tough place. Time to get...Streetwise!


A free 3D Open World Mug'Em Up in Unreal Engine 5 aimed at mid/low-end machines.




Left Analog Stick: Move

Right Analog Stick: Look

Left Face Button / Right Shoulder Button: Attack

Right Face Button / Left Shoulder Button: Dodge

Bottom Face Button: Jump

Top Face Button: Interact


WASD: Move

Left Mouse: Attack

Right Mouse: Dodge

E: Interact


Escape - Quit to Menu/Windows


Music: "Stereo Girls" by Sinnesloeschen Beats


Content Warning: Depiction of Drug use / Mild comical Violence



Upack the content of the ZIP into a directory of your choice, run "Freak Peak Streetwise.EXE" to start the game


Feedback Welcome!


V. 2: Gamepad Support, Randomization

V.3: AI Tweaks

V.4: Bug Fixes


freak-peak-streetwise-windows.zip 1.1 GB
Version 4 27 days ago

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