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Fun little roguelike. I was surprised by the total amount of content, I didn’t play for long so I didn’t try out all the weapons, but the ones I came across were noticeably different from each other. I really liked the items in the game, especially the explosives with a timer. The noticeable visual variety of locations was also pleasing.

I noticed a flaw in movement, when the character moves diagonally, the running speed is duplicated.

The only negative that I can highlight is the enemies, despite the visual diversity they are almost indistinguishable from each other. Apart from bosses, I noticed only two types of enemies, these are ordinary mobs that shoot projectiles and small houses that spawn them.

Thank you for your feedback. :)

I somehow manage to allways forget about diagonal movement in my games and don't even notice it. Dangit.

The regular enemies are indeed just different sprites without different behaviour, that is a very good point for improvement. But there is a bit more to it:

The monsters get additional attacks (Like multishots or homing shots)  after a certain amount of days has passed (I think it was 6). 

Also after i believe 4 days missions can have "special" enemies. Those should be indicated by the candles in the "menu" (Black smoking candles mean this mission has special enemies - But it doesn't seem to allways work reliably) and by the "boss music" playing on level start. 

Those guys are basically minibosses who either hunt you down or wait for you at the "key" and "exit" locations. They have their own unique sprites and behaviours.

Aside from what you mentioned there is also still some jank (Like the inventory...) and a nasty issue with the final dungeon that i want to fix for good.

Thanks again for testing the game!